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Icon VI   (I Ching)

A contemplative device for use with the Chinese 'Book of Changes' (I Ching). A 'balance' with coins and yarrow stalks (nearly equivalent techniques for consulting this 3,000 year old oracle), a box for your question, or dilemma and an incense holder help focus attention for the process of consultation. All 64 'hexagrams' (representing the doubles sets of three lines that are the graphic representation of the coin or yarrow stalk tosses) are carved into the cast stone base.

Cast stone, steel, brass, kiln-fired glass, sand and internal lighting. Aprrox. 40" (I meter) tall.





















Detail 1

Detail of 'Icon VI - I Ching' showing the three coins used for consulting the 'Book of Changes' and the electrically illuminated base of raked sand.

























Detail of base

Cast stone (pumice and cement) base for 'Icon VI - I Ching' showing the incised lines of the 64 hexagrams (six line patterns selected by consulting the Book of Changes).

















Detail 2

Detail of 'Icon VI - I Ching' showing the 'chest' for holding the 'change' consulted with the carved kiln-fired glass image used as a 'focal point' of awareness while casting the three coins while consulting the 'Book of Changes'.






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Copyright 2024 Chuck St. John / Nimbus Glass Studio  email: [email protected]